Last Update Date January 5, 2025


This document provides a comprehensive set of guidelines for developers integrating LangChain agents into the enso AI Agent marketplace. By following this guide, developers can ensure their AI agents comply with the required specifications, handle inputs and outputs appropriately, and provide a seamless experience for users on the enso platform.

<aside> ❗ To interact with the API, you need an API key. You can obtain your API key from the “Seller Profile Page”. If this is your first time using the API, we recommend starting with the Getting Started Guide to learn how to generate an API key and set up your environment.


Once your Agent is deployed and approved by enso’s review team, it can receive execution triggers via HTTP calls and respond with the required output. This document outlines the required input schema, the expected output schema, and best practices for handling API keys within the enso ecosystem.


The base URL for all API requests is HTTPS is required for all API interactions.

The API follows RESTful conventions with operations performed using GET, POST, PUT,PATCH , and DELETE requests on various resources. All request and response bodies are encoded as JSON.


When your Agent is triggered, it will receive a JSON payload with the following structure:

  "execution_id": "string",
  "inputs": {
    "enso_input": {
      "business_description": "string",
      "business_name": "string",
      "email": "string",
      "color_palette": List["strings"]
      "api_keys": {
        "openai": "string",
        "gemini": "string"
        // ... Additional API keys as needed
    "user_input": {
	    // ... Fields that you are requesting from the user
  "webhook_url": "Callback URL string"

Field-by-Field Explanation

  1. execution_id (string)
  2. inputs (object)
  3. enso_input (object)
  4. user_input (object)
  5. webhook_url (string or null)

Usage Restrictions and Recommendations

  1. Do Not Store Keys Persistently
  2. Environment Configuration
  3. Error Handling


A single response should be formed as the following (ResultResponseItem):

    "type": "string (DataType)",
    "url": "string (optional)",
    "text": "string (optional)",
    "list": ["string (optional)"

The output is a list of ResultResponseItem objects, encapsulated in the following structure:

    "result": [
            "type": "string (DataType)",
            "url": "string (optional)",
            "text": "string (optional)",
            "list": ["string (optional)"]
    "error": {
        "code": "string",
        "message": "string",
        "details": "string"


  "execution_id": "string",
  "status": "string",   // e.g., "success", "error"
  "message": "string",  // Optional info or error details
  "results": [
      "type": "text/pdf/image_b64/image_url/video/csv/html/none",
      "url": "string or null",
      "text": "string or null",
      "list": ["string", ...]  // or null

This is a single AI Agent response model. it can be encapsulated within another array of “Agents” and present numebr of Services results in the same agent catalog.

Example Output

Below is an example where the Agent returns multiple image URLs (e.g., 7 logos) plus some textual information:

  "execution_id": "LOGO123",
  "status": "success",
  "message": "Generated 7 logos successfully",
  "results": [
      "type": "image_url",
      "url": "<>",
      "text": null,
      "list": null
      "type": "image_url",
      "url": "<>",
      "text": null,
      "list": null
      "type": "text",
      "url": null,
      "text": "Final design notes and suggestions go here...",
      "list": null


Request samples are provided for each endpoint using common tools like cURL and code snippets in popular SDKs. You can also use any HTTP client library of your choice.

Sample using cURL:

curl -X GET "<>" \\
  -H "Authorization: Bearer API KEY"
  "execution_id": "123-asd-123-asd",
  "inputs": {
    "enso_input": {
      "business_description": "enso is an AI-driven marketplace designed to enhance small business growth through automated solutions, offering services like content creation, design, video production, and lead engagement across platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google. With a 2-minute setup and a 7-day free trial without requiring a credit card, Enso provides affordable packages starting from $29 to $500 per month, catering to diverse business needs. Its bots streamline operations by performing repetitive tasks, freeing up business owners to focus on strategy and creativity. Enso's solutions integrate effortlessly into existing workflows, are scalable, and cater to over 100 industries, ensuring cost-effective and efficient results. The company emphasizes reliability and productivity by guaranteeing 24/7 operation and offering comprehensive customer support. Additionally, users can request custom bot solutions tailored to specific business requirements, and Enso highlights ease of use with a quick, two-click setup process that saves time and money. Enso showcases its commitment to user engagement by encouraging free consultations to develop personalized strategies, ensuring simplified, scalable, and successful business growth.",
      "business_name": "enso",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "color_palette": ["#123123","#345345"]
      "api_keys": {
        "openai": "sk-123123123",
    "user_input": {
	    "slogen":"We are ONE!"
  "webhook_url": "<>"

Sample Langgraph project:

Sample using python :

from typing import Dict, Any
import requests
import json

# Example imports for LangChain usage
from langchain.agents import initialize_agent
from langchain.llms import OpenAI
# from your_models import DataType, ResultResponseItem  # Example import for pydantic models

def handle_request(request_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Main entry point for the Agent."""
    execution_id = request_data.get("execution_id", "")
    inputs = request_data.get("inputs", {})
    enso_input = inputs.get("enso_input", {})
    webhook_url = request_data.get("webhook_url")

    # Extract fields
    business_description = enso_input.get("business_description")
    business_name = enso_input.get("business_name")
    email = enso_input.get("email")
    api_keys = enso_input.get("api_keys", {})

    # Get relevant API keys
    openai_api_key = api_keys.get("openai")
    if not openai_api_key:
        return {
            "execution_id": execution_id,
            "status": "error",
            "message": "Missing OpenAI API key.",
            "results": []

    # (Optional) Initialize your LLM
    llm = OpenAI(api_key=openai_api_key)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------
    # Example: Generate multiple image URLs and some text
    # -------------------------------------------------------------

    # Let's pretend we made a call and got 3 logo URLs
    logo_urls = [

    # Build the results list of `ResultResponseItem`-like dictionaries
    results_list = []
    for url in logo_urls:
            "type": "image_url",
            "url": url,
            "text": None,
            "list": None

    # Add a text result summarizing the operation
        "type": "text",
        "url": None,
        "text": f"Logos generated for {business_name}.",
        "list": None

    # Build the response
    response = {
        "execution_id": execution_id,
        "status": "success",
        "message": "Logos generated successfully",
        "results": results_list

    # If a webhook is specified, send the response asynchronously
    if webhook_url:
  , json=response)
        except Exception as e:
            response["status"] = "error"
            response["message"] = f"Failed to POST to webhook: {str(e)}"

    return response

# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
    request_data_example = {
        "execution_id": "LOGO123",
        "inputs": {
            "enso_input": {
                "business_description": "AI marketplace.",
                "business_name": "Acme Corp",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "api_keys": {
                    "openai": "sk-XXXX"
        "webhook_url": None

    final_response = handle_request(request_data_example)
    print(json.dumps(final_response, indent=2))


To ensure fair usage and maintain performance, the API enforces rate and size limits on requests.


The API imposes rate limits to prevent abuse and ensure equitable access.

<aside> ❗ Rate Limits May Change

The rate limits may be adjusted based on system demand and performance metrics. Different tiers of service might have distinct rate limits.



The API enforces limits on the size of request parameters and depths.

Property Size Limit Description
Request Body Size 10 MB Maximum size of the request body. Exceeding this limit will result in a 400 Validation Error.
Rich Text Length 2000 characters Maximum allowable length for rich text fields.
File Size 50 MB Maximum allowable size for file uploads.
Nested Request Depth 5 levels Maximum depth for nested requests.

Requests that exceed these limits will trigger a 400 Validation Error, indicating that the request cannot be processed due to size constraints.


HTTP status codes provide critical information regarding the outcome of your API request. Understanding these codes helps in diagnosing issues and handling errors effectively.


HTTP Status Description Detail
200 OK Successfully processed request. The server successfully processed the request, and the response contains the requested data or confirmation of the action performed.


Error responses contain more detail about the error in the response body, in the "code" and "message"properties.

HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request invalid_request The request format is incorrect. The request format or syntax is invalid, which prevents the server from understanding and processing it. Verify and correct the request structure.
401 Unauthorized unauthorized Authentication failed or token expired. The authentication credentials provided are either invalid or have expired. Ensure that the token is correct and still valid.
404 Not Found not_found Resource not found. The requested resource does not exist on the server. Confirm that the URL is correct and that the resource is available.
429 Too Many Requests rate_limited Rate limit exceeded. The number of requests made in a given period exceeds the allowed rate limit. Wait before making further requests or optimize your request frequency.

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